Sunday, December 13, 2009

And The Letter H (for hate) Brought To You By.....


....Alex Brown Racing!

Yes Alex, stand up and take a bow! Does it make you feel all warm and gushy inside to see the community of haters you have created and the damage you have done to the rescue world?

I hope you realize that ABR and the FOB's have became a pretty common household name now, and not in a good sense. People view your forum and make a judgement call about all rescues across the world in a negative light because of what they see in your little nutter community.

Yep, the rescues on ABR whine about being attacked, stalked and threatened....both good and bad rescues have suffered the wrath.

But do take your bow Alex, because NONE of this would have been possible without you :)

I also have to lay some blame here on the Jacksons....if they had any sense they would have shut you down by now instead of encouraging you to continue on by giving you permission to write your little Barbaro book and allowing all this madness to continue in Barbaro's name...amen....LOL!

Here is a great read...gets pretty exciting towards the end and shows the mob mentality Alex has created....

It must be nice to live like a vagabond, take refuge in other countries and not even have a home address where someone can hunt you down with legal documents to put an end to your insane got this one all figured out :)



Anonymous said...

Of course, the irony in all of this is that the group Alex created is also the same group trying to end horse racing (i.e. put Alex out of a job). They are known to harass owners, trainers, and track employees. All in the name of BARBARO!!!!!


Well done, Alex, well done!

alexbrown4 said...

Feel free to use this

BUC said...

Love the pic! Thanks :)

sidesaddlealex said...

Love that picture!!!

Anonymous said...

ABR stalked, attacked and threatened? You must be kidding me. This is what these harpies do to many good people in the horse racing community. They destroy reputations and give each other high fives for doing it. The poster who identifies himself as Greg J on the Bloodhorse blogs? I believe that this person is also "Wookster", whom mercilessly attacked a woman he declared to suffer from mental illness. After stating this "Wookster" put up links to legal papers to absolutely humiliate this woman. This was a tipping point for me. When the self appointed angels to horses are openly trying to destroy a woman they acknowledge to suffer from mental problems, that is just pure evil. Every racetrack, every congressman, every rescue should know about ABR and their politics of personal destruction.

RH2 said...

Alex Brown-where to begin? While he is quick to take the credit for any positives (if there are any) that come from ABR, he is very careful to remain just hands off enough that should the whole thing implode, he won't be held responsible. And he loves his ABR followers. In fact, when discussing his upcoming book, he refers to them as a "captive audience", and a guarantee that his book will sell at least 5,000 copies. You gotta love that kind of moxie. The latest link you posted is not surprising. These people are the best of friends one minute, and tearing each other down the next. And there are no holds barred, it seems. I don't know the whole story of what happened at NBAR, and frankly, who knows at this point who is telling the truth? But one point that was made really sticks with me. The person in charge of NBAR stated that due to all of the attacks and horrid behavior by those who are now out to get her, she is no longer able to raise funds to help the horses she has. She is now considering other options, which don't sound too promising for some of the horses. Why in the world do some of these rescues get to the point where a few days of this kind of crap can put them under? ENOUGH already! Are there ANY rescues that are able to sustain themselves for more than a week without fundraising? And when the external financial rug is pulled, are they truly unable to continue on with the responsibilities they've taken on? If that's true-get out of Rescue. You never should have gotten into it in the first place! There are those on ABR who continually discuss how others are watching, and how some try to make them look bad. From the looks of things, all anyone needs to do is stand by and watch them do all the work themselves. They don't seem to be able to stop the madness.

BUC said...

I don't know the whole story of what happened at NBAR, and frankly, who knows at this point who is telling the truth?

The person who runs NBAR was their own worst enemy when they posted on ICERS to "clear things up" was pretty scary actually. Then she cried to YUKU to have the post removed and is now threatening to sue people for stuff she admitted herself...GAG....nutter galore.

But at any rate I do not condone threats...even when you suck really bad :(

RH2 said...

It's pretty sad to see what's going on with ABR. Are daily attacks now the norm? I don't know if you had time to read some of the recent ones, but it seems that some of these people would benefit from a basic knowledge of horses. Some of them, frighteningly, own horses. I have read at least 5 times on that board a statement from one of the "regulars" stating that she had to get a female farrier because the male farriers wanted to sedate her horse and knock him out cold. Either she has had extremely bad luck in finding a knowledgeable farrier, or she doesn't understand that when sedating a horse for something like hoof trimming, the process is done carefully, ideally under constant veterinary supervision, and the horse remains standing at all times. While I do get the occasional chuckle at the mental image of a farrier trying to trim the hooves of a horse lying prone on the ground, it is this kind of ignorance that is also concerning. If you are going to own a horse, educate yourself. If you do indeed own that rare horse with so many problems that it must be knocked unconscious to have his feet trimmed, you really are in need of more than basic education, education, as well as a professional trainer to help you AND the horse work through this! I have spoken to 3 different farriers, and not one has ever heard of a horse being knocked out to be trimmed.
When people with limited equine knowledge start judging others, well, we are seeing what the results are, aren't we? As always, the horses will pay the price, which is sad. But in some cases, with the hoarders as Rescues, and owners without basic knowledge, they already are. Sorry for the rant, but it really bothers me to see how judgmental some of these people are when you read what they post, and see the way they operate.

Dena said...

Hey BUC good to see you. I was wondering where you had got to.

I am in recovery from rescue drama addiction these days.
Because after over a year of this neverending saga of woe, it has been impressed upon me that one simply cannot FIX stupid.

I think maybe I am not so much mentally ill as

Anonymous said...

I hope that someone let's the owner and trainer of the racehorse Sam P. know that the mob of horse psychos has him in their sites. The thoroughbredchampions forum is also infested with FOBS. This horse just had three vets check him out as okay after a bad run in the Prairie Bayou. They say he is perfectly sound, has no issue with a previous tendon injury at all. Is this good enough for the FOBS? "Here is a case where I hope the FOB's use their candles to torch someone"- Dec. 13, 2009. And, "does anyone want to fly to Kentucky (or wherever he is hiding) with me and take turns punching (owner's name) in the face if Sam P. doesn't come out of this okay. I'm sure there's enough of us. Maybe we can charter a flight."

There is a reason that the Department Of Homeland Security lists animal rights activists as the number one domestic threat in this country. These people are a menace.

mca said...

I was a member of ABR for several months now and asked people from my own personal site to visit there and help the horses. I was referring about 50 people a day via email to go to ABR ... That was until I started getting complaint after complaint from those that I referred about the constant conflict that went on there between the rescues.

Although I don't see this as any fault of Alex Brown, I do believe that he bares some responsibility for the problems and scams that go on there and are allowed.

I have now left ABR and do not participate there but I do still consider myself a silent fan lol I also no longer refer any of my readers to ABR. Many people are now reporting the site due to feeling that they were scammed at one point or another. I think it is a matter of time and the site will be questioned. It is a shame that it is allowed to go on. What may have started as something positive is definitely negative now. I still support several rescues that i have found but I will never go back to ABR, and I am certain that I am not the only one that feels this way.

Not a FOB said...

Greg J, the FOB ass-kisser know it all is posting anti_Assmussen sentiment on the Bloodhorse Blog. He doesn't have the balls to do it over at ABR. He'd get thrown off in a heartbeat by Brownie's moderating team. Things have gone to shit so bad there that they need half a dozen moderators. I look for the end very soon.

Kevin said...

Maybe Greg is trading in his tutu for some balls?

juicy bit said...

Oh BUC... I have to tell you something and have no idea how to email you. Is your email address somewhere?

Anonymous said...

Some of the comments regarding Greg J. are so off base, You people really have no idea who he is and what his connection is to the industry and horses in general, for that matter. I bet that, if and when he comes on here, he must find it comical what is said about him. Maybe, someday, you people will get to know who he is and realize he has more knowledge about horses then the vast majority and actually gives a damn about them. I hope that day comes, until then, keep showing complete ignorance towards him, It is amusing, to say the least(the tutu comment especially), have a good day. Sorry GJ, couldn't resist, peace - J.K.

Anonymous said...

"You people really have no idea who he is and what his connection is to the industry and horses in general, for that matter."

Oh please! Here we go with the "don't you know who I am?" routine!

Seriously, if he is "all that" why does he seem to spend hours leaving his opinion all over the internet?

Isn't this the same dude who was asked to leave Fair Hill? Or was that another FOB who wore out their welcome there?

BUC said...

juicy bit said...
Oh BUC... I have to tell you something and have no idea how to email you. Is your email address somewhere?

Just click on my profile and hit "email" :)

NOT a FOB said...

Greg Jackass has NO connection with the industry. He's a 40 something year old guy who, like many others at FOB-Land, knew nothing of racing before the Jacksons dragged Barbaro's life on because they wanted the $tud fees.
He now is a rabid FOB and goes to the races and takes photos for the FOB, hoping to one day bed a few of them.Most are probably so sex starved that they'd comply in a track parking lot. Those FOB who are married sit on their computers all day while their husbands bang barmaids to get their satisfaction.

I'm off to light a candle for Dear Barbaro.....enjoy.

Anonymous said...

"You people" I think have a lot better idea of who "Wookster" is than the J.K. person, who said, "You people really have no idea who he is and what his connection is to the industry and horses in general, for that matter."

Sorry, too late, because if you've read just one breathless post of the "Wookster's" he tells you who/what he is with his own mouth. My "meter" that registers BS, says that he's just another groupie. How great, the mystery's solved, and the "Wookster" solved it for us!

sidesaddlealex said...

Greg J is a "Mommie" thats all we need to know!

Dena said...

Something I have never understood.
A horse owner may never be without the necessary food, shelter, and medical care that their horse requires without being in violation of the law.
And yet, a rescue may begin, and carry on that way, and even advertise that they have not the ability to care for the animals in their care, without receiving acclaim for being a "RESCUER."
That was and remains a real WTF!?! qustion for me.

P.S. Greg J you should send money to our rescue horses. Please note that I neither instigated nor engaged in the bashing of you.
Our horses need to eat too you know?
Or, are you one of those discriminating donators?lol
Kind of ust kidding.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Everyone.

P.S.S. what is a "Mommie?" In the context used of Greg being one.

Fishy Thongster said...

Greg J is just an attention whore, want's to be the queen of the FOB. He runs around the web gathering info just to be the "knowledgable one". He is a good googler, and answers his minion's questions. He's also the queen of the bloodhorse blogs. I wonder if he has managed to seduce any of the FOB, he has professed his prowess several times on the web.
I wonder what "wooster8" is a symbol of? We all know another name for "rooster", perhaps 8 is a measurement.....(in his mind?).

The FOB are in dire need to have more candles lit for Barbarque, so I obliged them:

Famblee and Frens of BarBarO said...

What a complete collection of MORONS. All of the FOB CULT, led by GregJackass showing their vast knowledge of horses, breeding and the WONDERFUL Jacksons. Praying Gretch and Roy are 2 normal owners, run horses in claiming races, euthanize geldings who break down (Peter 'O) with less injury than Precious Barbaro. They (CULT) put R & G on a pedestal so high they must be oxygen deprived.

BarbarosDEAD said...

I think Alex only keeps ABR around hoping to sell a couple of his books. The only time he posts is to promote himself or chew someone out for questioning him. What a loser!

Limey said...

You are right! I can't stand these bunch of self centered dolts, but I'm just a stranger in a strange land working menial jobs to survive. I'll sell out my book, then cut the power to my site and let them try to survive. I'm sure the Wooster can take over in my behalf. If every one of the FOB buy my book, I'll be a rich man.
I'll be bloddy well happy to be rid of those self-back-patters.

cheers, Alex

PS, this is the FOB

rh 1 said...

Doesn't anyone see how out of touch with the issue all this is? This is a shining example of the reason legitimate horse people have to "prove" themselves to feed stores, vets, and ag product producers in my area.

Dad always said "the first step is being smarter than the horse". I see that's a stretch for some.

FOB stands for Forward Operating Base. Barbaro had no friends when he really needed them. Take that however you wish.

Anonymous said...

rh 1

You said, Barbaro had no friends when he really needed them.

If you meant that Barbaro should have been put down, long before he was, if not on the track at the Preakenss, then for sure, after he got laminitis, then I agree with you. IMO that is what a true friend would have done.

I just wasn't sure what you meant.

Candle Lighting FOB said...

I agree with rh 1 and Anonymous.
With Barbaro it was all about money. The Jacksons saw a gold mine in stallion fees if they had kept Barbaro alive. The FOB CULT puts them on the highest pedestal and fails to see that they're just ordinary horse owners. Everyone fell for their BS, but it was purely money.
Almost a year ago 4 year old first time starter Peter 'O broke down and was euthanized, no big campaign to have Dr Richardson fix him. (the extent of the injuries are unknown, but were they as bad as BARBARO's). They play the evil claiming game like the others and dump non achivers through claiming races. They may be good folks, but they aren't the saints that the CULT think they are.

More petty bickering at the FOB. Cheersalex jumped on Greg J, for his anti racing attitude. Lots of testoserone over there, the boys trying to be top stallion among the herd of crazy old mares.

I wonder how many people thhey will bilk this week.

Don't forget to light a candle for Bar-Bar-O.

rh 1 said...

That is exactly how I meant it. The cards, letters, memorials, and b.s. meant nothing to him. Horses do not understand such things.

It was a tragic mistep. It happens in racing, in almost every other competitive horse event, and even at home in the back pasture.

The connection of this good colt to the low end horses and horse people in the rescues and anti-slaguther drama club is an insult the horse.

There are several avenues, attitudes, rule changes, and even tax law restructuring which could go a long way to salvaging and sustaining the horses and people involved in racing. These get no mention or attention. This fact leads me to doubt the legitmate stock management capabilities of the all involved in these so called discussions.

Not a FOB said...

Good god a convergence of the FOB CULT

Dena said...

Dear Greg,

I still have not received that check.
I realize that donkeys and such are not of the noble lineage that Dear Dear Barbaro possessed.
I mean really their only claim to fame is carrying Mary and Jesus.
And I don't have a Persian rug to tempt you with.

Sorry..I digress. It is your and anyone elses right to donate as you see fit.
And the world certainly does not have enough crippled horses and blind colts.
We really need more to keep us in touch with our compassion and responsibility to END suffering.
And we need more mascots for the whole unwanted horse campaign.

And what would all of these women do without their God given purpose in life to control the fate of slaughterbound equines.

Aww crap. My sarcasm got the best of me and now I need a wardrobe change.

Happy New Year BUC!!! Hope it is a GOOD one!!!

Anonymous said...

Saw this out in internet land:
"this is what he said to me on facebook due to this post that I made on my blog

'wow. now you choose to trash me about deleting a post about lava man. you have NO IDEA why that post was deleted. but of course that won't stop you trying to do whatever it is you are trying to do.

ask michael blowen about the work i have done regarding trying to retire horses that should no longer be running, but of course the answer you get won't fit your ridiculous agenda, whatever that is. good luck trying to bring me down, others have tried the same.

cheers, alex'".

This guy is a piece of work. And not a good piece....

Gretchen said...

mr cheers ought not be a pissin' off the Cult Members. They're fickle, and if one of them had the brains to host a "real" forum they'd leave in a heartbeat.
He needs to keep them happy at least until they purchase his pathetic book.

sidesaddlealex said...


"P.S.S. what is a "Mommie?" In the context used of Greg being one."

December 22, 2009 12:09 PM

Way back in the beginning, when ABR was TWR, and a certain Nevada rescue began what was to be touted as, "the first TWR save," oh excuse me, the first TWR scam would be more like it. Some of the "mommies," one in particular, who knew nothing and still doesn't about horses, asked if they should "knit some booties" for the SIX HORSES that the "mommies" coughed up $10,000 dollars to rescue from a catalog auction, proving that they wouldn't know a scam if it jumped up and slapped them in the face. Now some of those same "mommies" are now avid supporters of NBAR if that gives you a clue. Lonely women, who know nothing about horses, and love to throw money at anything that moves, and loves to be scammed, is the definition of a "mommie." The only people left on ABR are "mommies," and since the "Wookster" is still over there, that includes him!

Hope that gives you a little insight into the definition of "mommie," as it pertains to ABR.

Dena said...

Wow. Thanks sidesaddlealex. Knit booties and 10 grand for 6 horses?
From a catalog sale?
No wonder they thought 1000lb. OTTBs were bringing $800 or better.
It is crazy to me.
But then again, when I read what some of the newly hatched experts have to say about feed, medical conditions, and shipping bedding halfway across the country, it all makes

Dena said...

>>good luck trying to bring me down, others have tried the same.

cheers, alex'".<<

Dear Alex,

Because I know you read here, all I really have to say is, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!"
Seriously, I was a little tied up addressing The Mistress of Blatant Hate Crimes for the last year.
And then, I took a little time off to celebrate my success.
And as, you have not deleted, or reprimanded any of those who posted in reference to me, in a manner directly violating your expressed in writing rules?
One could draw the conclusion that you discriminate, and allow your board members to harass, using your board.
Damn, damn, damn... And here I was looking forward to a new year not filled with the same drama.

So, in closing, let's be clear. I have not even taken a shot at bringing your board and you by association anywhere.
Yuku legal is not that hard to navigate.
Please reference The Manure Pile by way of The Litter Box.
I would suggest you grow a set, and address the mindless machine of your creation, but I would far prefer that you actually sprout some credibility.
You famous rescue leader, racehorse trainer/jockey, author extraordinare, etc., and blah, blah, blah.

Cheers you bleeding wanker.

BUC said...

>>good luck trying to bring me down, others have tried the same.

cheers, alex'".<<

Dena, where did you find where he said that! LMAO

Dena said...

Here on your blog BUC.

Saw this out in internet land:
"this is what he said to me on facebook due to this post that I made on my blog

'wow. now you choose to trash me about deleting a post about lava man. you have NO IDEA why that post was deleted. but of course that won't stop you trying to do whatever it is you are trying to do.

ask michael blowen about the work i have done regarding trying to retire horses that should no longer be running, but of course the answer you get won't fit your ridiculous agenda, whatever that is. good luck trying to bring me down, others have tried the same.

cheers, alex'".

This guy is a piece of work. And not a good piece....

January 2, 2010 11:51 PM

My kids would just call him a Sally and be done.
I think that is a new age ex[ression similar to

I Luv Babynor said...

brownie says "ask michael blowen" ??

blowen's enterprise rescues few horses. it's a disney land designed to make money. he lives there free drawing a retirement and a decent salary. they receive a lot of cash donations. the man lives pretty well at the expense of the horses that could be rescued.
he's no stranger to the teller window on raceday, either.

Anonymous said...

Mr Cheers to Greg J:

"your apology is pretty lame. clearly your behavior runs against what this site stands for and is noted.

this site is not about trashing people, whether it is kill buyers or irresponsible owners. nor is it about trashing people without hard evidence. cheers, alex"

As mentioned before, Greg flits about pontificating about the Jackson siblings, how wonderful they are, and bashing anyone who provides critical analysis as to the performance of the "chosen horses" He's a self imposed authenticator on the BH Forums.

Anonymous said...

More EPONA Horse Rescue Scams - Anyone out there willing to do some research and share with everyone the findings on the latest EPONA Horse Rescue scam? There should be a FACEBOOK Page started so people are aware of this ongoing scam.She says she just received another $250K donation from of course someone who she can not share their name. Here is my take on it. And several people agree with me.Recently 41 Horses were taken by her and she did several news stories and thousands of dollars, hay and food was donated for these horses. This money, hay and food that was donated was to be used for all of these horses. However, Lin fostered out all but 7 of these horses. All of the donations that came in to care for the horses Lin of course kept in her pocket and DID NOT give any money to her fosters who took the horses.This is what the fosters are not coming forward and saying. Now magically she has a donor who gave her $250K and also a new skidloader. What I think is all of the money donated was once again padding the pockets of EPONA. Not like this is new news. Thoughts?