Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Congratulations Alex Brown Racing!


WOOT! 1 Million posts! What an amazing announcement!

Now take away:

All the "BUMP" posts...

The posts with nutbags talking like horses....alive and dead...

All the cute and glittery pictures of Barbaro...

The random .gif's thrown in that have nothing to do with anything...

The idle completely off topic chitter chatter...

And what? That leaves you with about 10 meaningful posts, LMAO. Congrats again! What an acomplishment :)



Anonymous said...

That place has went to hell.

Anonymous said...

They get more ridiculous by the second over there. It is a truth free zone, and it always has been. Nothing new there.

Anonymous said...

There's only one word for the pretty little pony clubbers on ABR, and that is, PATHETIC.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's not exciting over there like this yawn factory.

Anonymous said...

Hey Busted up Cowgirl, I'd never seen your page before and I must admit I've not laughed so hard in awhile. Much of your comments are harsh, but not all together untrue either! You have good reason to be bitter and I'd have been also. I'm not one of the banned at all. But not once have I told Alex Brown he's wonderful, I don't talk about what Barbaro thinks, he's dead. None of the top ten did I ever do and I managed not to get banned so you're not off really by much but I'm not guilty of these things. Alex only threatened to ban me and he'd not even told me directly but had a friend deliver the message. Can one have appreciated a good racehorse and be a fan without being a nutjob whackload or whatever? You're blog is refreshing and insightful, yeah, somewhat mean too but funny as hell. You talked just enough truth to make it real and for that you're to be applauded. I thought your ramblings were a fuckin' riot! You weren't at all harsh on the Board Nazi. You'd been spot on! Oh I didn't worship the LL convict either. I must be a lurker, huh? You're a breath of fresh air and I wanted to say thanks for the laughs!

mca said...

I am a perfect example of someone that is against horse slaugther that Alex Brown still manages to hate. I recently posted on one of my blogs how I thought it was unfair that a member of ABR(Joyce) had posted that she thought if Lava Man was not a gelding he would have been done in racing a long time ago. The post was deleted in less than 3 minutes.I simply wrote on the fact and statd how a tour guide at "Old Friends" rescue and retirement had said much the same thing as Joyce had posted.

Alex Brown emails me stating that I am trying to "take him down" and trashing ABR. I explained that this was not the case but he wouldn't listen.

I tried to explain to him that the reason people are sick of ABR is because posts are deleted and people are banned with NO explanation. One can only be left to assume why. I quickly found out that sending people to ABR to help horses was not a good idea.

I can admire him for his "efforts" to help horses but I can not stand him for his "ignorance" to ignore the harm that he is doing when he ignores the problems on ABR and the scams that he admits to on this page

I believe this book he is writing is a last ditch effort to bring back some respect for his site.

And by the way, you can never insult the rescues there at ABR even if you feel as if you have been scamemd. For some reason Alex Brown believes that these rescues and ABR are the same and not 2 seperate entities.

When I explained to him that the
2nd day of becoming a member of ABR I did get several emails that stated to be careful because Alex Brown himself was part of scams and was recieving "kickbacks" from some of the rescues there. When I told him this, he did NOT deny it but instead he said he didn't care what anyone thought of him. The kind of thing that just makes me say hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm