Well I always like to make a good first impression (LMAO), so I am going to start with a rant about my favorite group of people...NOT....but you better get used to it, I'll be ranting for days to come I'm sure!
They call themselves the FOB's...Friends Of Barbaro....Fans Of Barbaro....and if you worship the dead horse and think he speaks to you in a special horsie language then you might call yourself "Frenz Of Barbaro".
Through out my rantings you will probably hear me say "Radical anti slaughter groups" a lot...yes, when those words roll off my fingers I will be referring to the FOB's and PETA type people....
They gather
here and spread venom and hate about anyone with views other than theirs...so I thought I'd return the favor :)
It's ran by a funny looking little English man named Alex...I refer to him as "The Board Nazi" (I'll explain my nick name later on :)....but I think my most favorite Internet nick name for him is "Clueless Alex"...seems the most fitting anyway......He claims to have been around horses all his life, works as an exercise jockey, lives in a country that eats horse, but somehow magically didn't know slaughter existed until he had the good luck to be acquainted with Barbaro and ride his tail wind into his own little world of self proclaimed notoriety. That's only the beginning of his cluelessness though.......stay tuned.....
Oh, and here's an ad floating around the Internet for "Clueless Alex":
For sale: Clueless Alex. Trainer says this bay, English-born TB gelding never lived up to his potential as a stakes winner. Has no bad habits except sticking head in the sand and making sounds that the trainer swears approximate the words "ridiculous" and "cheers". Trainer is optimistic that these habits will disappear once he is no longer stabled with CBER, a big money maker whose victories have long been under a cloud of suspicion. An easy keeper, needs only barley and hops. Any offer will be considered.
It started out innocent enough...The trainer the Board Nazi worked for trained next to Barbaro. When the horse broke down he had a front seat to the action. He started posting updates about Barbaro under his trainers Internet site, started a forum, and the FOB's were born.
I'm not going to get into bashing the horse.....He was a nice looking animal who may or may not have went on to win more races. It's only some kind of silly little fantasy to call him the greatest one ever. I mean, he's dead, no one will ever know. I'm sure he is even rolling around in his urn rolling his eyes at the things that are being said about him. I think even a dead horse is smart enough to know it's insane to worship a false idol...So, setting the horse aside and realizing he doesn't deserve any ill words...it isn't his fault that idiots surround him....that's all I have to say about Big B himself.
Now if the FOB's would have settled with just being a support group and maybe a few new race fans were born then all would have been well and good...BUT a lot of these people have decided to go out and "save the world" so to speak. End horse slaughter....become horse rescue advocates.....
So now we have these people living in high rise city apartments who have never owned a horse deciding the fate of the American horse. They toss money at rescues who will abide by their every word and rule and push the problem off on someone else.
They have became so blind in their ways that they will throw money at almost anything as long as you swear on the Bible and Gods name that you would sell your soul to end horse slaughter and you worship Barbaro. It doesn't matter if you have 2 acres, 40 horses and bailing twine as fence....just say your anti slaughter and the money comes rolling in.
The Board Nazi and his FOB site could keep me busy for years just tearing apart some of their silly ideas and people they see as "rescue facilities" for years to come...
Ok, now back to the Board Nazi.......I call him this because if you come to his forum you are not allowed to express any kind of opinion that is not in line with his...your post will be deleted and you will be banned before you can even say Clueless Alex.
There used to be some sane people on that board which I did feel were truly in it for the horse. Of course between the Board Nazi and radical wackaloons they are getting harder to find. They are dropping like flies from there leaving a bunch of idiots to run the show.
A small rescue I know well was being attacked on their board a few weeks ago...The rescue has never asked for funds or anything from the FOB's...the rescue simply had an opinion which was not in line with this group so they felt the need to trash them on the Internet.
I got me a brand spankin new ID (all my previous ones have been banned :) and made a post (ONE post! LOL) in support of this rescue......I did not even break any of his site rules.....guess what happened? Can ya guess, huh, huh, can ya? LOL.....My post was deleted and all the hate filled venom posts were left there. The thread was locked and my ID banned from posting. THAT's the kind of stuff that has earned Clueless Alex the nickname of Board Nazi with me ;) It happens so frequently on his forum......
Oh, so much to rant about and so little time.....I suppose I'll pick this back up where I left off tomorrow....lucky you....LOL
Let me leave you with this.....the horse has been dead for over 47 weeks...how do I know this? Because every Monday (Barbaro was put down on a Monday) a thread pops up titled "Barbaro XX weeks after"...and now were up to
week 47, yep almost a year......Some of them even admit from time to time that they didn't grieve their mother/father/grandparents for this long.....ookie dookie....creepy.....and sad.....I see creepy sad people.......