Sunday, December 30, 2007

Sunday Morning Funny

And the FOB's wonder why I call them wackaloons....well today I am going to call them idiots and give the beautiful Loon the day off ;)

Why are they idiots? (I wish I knew...LOL) Well because obviously it's ok to hoard horses, put them in shit hole facilities, not be able to afford horses unless you beg for money on the Internet, not give horses adequate vet and farrier care.....but if you are over 120lbs. and actually ride your horses, they consider THAT abuse? LMAO

I wonder how the lard asses on ABF that post pictures of themselves on horses that look like their half dead feel about these comments? Because they certainly don't bother me! All I am going to do is point out how totally frickin stupid you guys will not find me on the floor in a fetal position crying my eyes out anytime in the near future. Only sitting here LMBFAO!!!!!

Based on the header picture they have decided I am a big fat cow and it's abuse to be on my poor horses back. I know FOB's aren't used to seeing a healthy horse but come on now....LOL.....Would it make you feel better if I only hoarded horses and didn't ride? Or is it my adequate fencing, lack of hillbilly junk shit in my yard, the fact that all my animals are well taken care of and healthy and you can't find anything else to pick on?

Oh speeling! I no can speel or put sentnce gether....weeeell me think then you cant findz nuttin beter to beotch about. If I ilitrate but hord horze in name of no slauter then it ok, I throw $10 your'z way, it be fine.....LOL...this isn't an English lesson moron, it's a BLOG :)

And again, you guys are showing your complete lack of horse knowledge, that's the scariest part! So please keep on ranting about fat asses on horses. What you don't realise is your only confirming everything I have said! The FOB's don't know a horses head from their ass! Just so you know.....the peppermints go in on the end with the nose.....

BTW my "pony" is a Morgan. I kinda like him. I call him my pony. He's not a mini dumb ass :) Here is what a healthy, well taken care of horse looks like, I know FOB's don't get to see them very often, so please let me share!

Spring 2007

BoBo in his "My Pretty Pony" get up.

Fall 2006

See that construction in the back? Guess what that is??? It's a barn (now finished) we paid for and built all by ourselves without begging for money from anyone!

Hey wait a minute, someone is getting screwed here and I think it's me! LOLOLOL! I mean all my animals are technically rescues....I think I should start a rescue and everyone can pay to feed and take care of MY animals! Think of all the extra beer money I could have! I might be able to make myself enough money to buy me one of those fine looking crack shacks and fence clear up to my porch!

This is what a horse and a pony look like. Now they should easily be able to identify the difference....LOL
Let me leave you with a little you never thought that the radical whack job's could get an education here! A healthy horse can carry 20-30% of it's body weight. I'll have to eat a few more HossBurgers before my 1200 pound pony has to do any huffing and puffing :)

And yes, thankyouverymuch, I do have spare time on my hands to be able to blog because I don't have more critters than I can afford to handle and properly take care of :)


Rational Thinking said...

Very nice posting Buc. They think you wrote the Pied Piper analogy. LOL I am thinking that some need to read for comprehension. I am pretty sure Alex understands the comment.

It is a shame that all that can be said is about your weight. Bo BO looks great BTW. You are very right that there are some bad apples spoiling the entire basket.

It is easy to see what some FOBs are like behind the keyboard. I would hope that the behavior doesn't translate into the real world and their true lives. The sad part is that they don't see it. They wouldn't be made fun of all over the internet if the various blogs and forums weren't given a reason. I read where some said it was jealousy. I hardly think so.

If I told someone that my gelding is so fabulous because his sire and dam made "love" instead of plain old breeding, I would be looked at like a fruitcake. And that is just one of thousands of statements mad. Barbaro's sire and dam "loved" each other and that is why he is so great.

NoBS said...

I will admit that I stumbled onto your web site via ABR. I have found your blog quite amusing, and admire your sense of humor.

I've been pretty disgusted reading the rude comments on ABR regarding your weight. I don't care what the disagreement is, resorting to calling someone "fat" is juvenille and disgusting. I guess there must be a bunch of super models over on that blog.

I will also tell you that I have also been banned by the all mighty Alex, and had posts deleted. What was my crime? If you guessed criticizing CBER you would be right! I don't know what spell CBER has cast over him, but it's a strong one. I'm guessing he is in their pocket...either that or Sam's pants...

I don't agree with you at all on your slaughter views, but I respect that you are as entitled to your opinion, as I am to mine. I can see that your animals looked very well cared for and loved, and I respect you greatly for that. Your Morgan is gorgeous, and no, you do not look too "big" for him...

I will definitely keep up on your blog, I find it quite amusing and entertaining, and I will anxiously await hearing what your Government friends dig up on Jolly Old Alex. He has made an enemy out of me...

Maybe they should do some digging on CBER? I think there are some financial shenanigans going on there...

Cheers...barf...I now hate that expression.