Thursday, January 10, 2008

Save The Horses! Kill The Babies!

Ok, yesterday I spent some time on the computer but didn't blog because I can't seem to shake this damn bug I have.

Anyway I spent some time reading the hate campaigns being unleashed by the radical anti because of the Huckabee horse meant connection.

You know what I found amazing? The majority of the anti slaughter crowd seem to be Democrats. Now I'm NOT going to get into party bashing....I believe you vote for the candidate that best suits your wants, needs and views. I'm a die hard Republican but I do not hate Democrats or think that they are not entitled to their views....I'm really not sure that I "hate" anyone.....

Why do I find it amazing that Democrats seem to be in the majority against horse slaughter? Because I feel VERY strongly about essence the radical anti slaughter group is saying "Save the horses, kill the babies". Now if that's not hypocritical then I don't know what is.

Why is an animals life, any animal, more important than a human life? I can't wrap my brain around this one......

Today's call/fax list:

Senate Majority Leader: Harry Reid ph: 202-224-2158 fax: 202-224-7327
Senate Minority Leader: Mitch McConnell ph: 202-224-3135 fax: 202-226-1374
Senate President Pro Tempore: Robert S. Byrd ph: 202-224-3954 fax: 202-228-0002
Assistant Majority Leader: Dick Durbin ph: 202-224-9447 fax: 202-228-0400
Assistant Minority Leader: Jon Kyl ph: 202-224-2708 fax: 202-228-0034

Pick up the phone and tell them you are an American horse owner and to please NOT support S.311! American horse owners do not want horses standing in fields starving!


MaryAinMI said...

1. Where are the stats indicating the Democrat/Republican affiliation of the anti-slaughter folks? (Goldangit BUC, you hardly ever tell us your sources!!)

2. Where are the stats indicating the Democrat/Republican affiliation of the pro-choice folks?

3. I, too, have strong beliefs about the "abortion issue." But the "abortion issue" is not about being in favor of "killing babies" or not It is about CHOICE. Geez!

Now - for someone whose knickers are all in a big fat knot about other folks telling her whether or not she can sell her pretty Morgan to a killer buyer so it can take that luxurious trip to a feedlot, into a crammed slaughter transport, and on to the kill floor, you sure don't have any trouble with telling every single woman in America that she does not have sufficient brain power, compassion, or morality to make the incredible decision about what to do concerning her pregnancy.

"In essence the radical anti slaughter group is saying 'Save the horses, kill the babies'."


Cody said...

First, this is a's my opinion. I said "it seems"...I never said I had stats. I did reveal my source....the source was ME.

Second, you're right, abortion is about choice...and you can either choose to use the proper protection or choose to keep your legs closed to keep from having n unwanted pregnancy. To many people use it as a form of birth control.

I am also not standing outside of abortion clinics and pushing my views through legislation. If people want to murder innocent lives, well it's their choice...if I want to send my horse to slaughter....well that should be my choice too.

Debbie said...

I've always been the odd one...but I am a die hard Democrat and I am not against equine slaughter. Sometimes I fantasize about slaughtering the humans that starve or neglect their animals though. ..oops :)